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Prince Harry Bawls as Vet Del Toro Trashes His Award on Stage with A Terrify Speech

At the 2024 ESPY Awards ceremony, the usual glitz, glamour, and celebration of athletic achievements were present. 

Prince Harry Bawls as Vet Del Toro Trashes His Award on Stage with A Terrify Speech

However, one of the evening's most electrifying moments came not from the feats of an elite professional athlete but from the powerful words of a war veteran. Sergeant Israel Del Toro took the stage to present an award, seizing the opportunity to deliver an impassioned speech that captivated the audience and drew a prolonged standing ovation.

Sergeant Del Toro, an Afghanistan war veteran who was severely injured by an IED blast, did not hold back in his remarks. He expressed deep bitterness and forceful criticism towards Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, for recent comments the prince had made about veteran healthcare and benefits. "Harry likes to talk a big game about supporting veterans, but the simple fact is he has no real understanding of the sacrifice we've made," Del Toro declared to the rapt audience. "Harry never served a day in his life, so how could he possibly know what it's like to put your life on the line for your country?"

The crowd erupted in loud cheers and applause, clearly resonating with the sergeant's fiery words. Del Toro went on to accuse Harry of trying to virtue signal and draw attention to himself by weighing in on veterans' issues without proper knowledge or life experiences. "It's easy for someone like Harry, born into wealth and privilege, to claim he cares about veterans," Del Toro said. "But talk is cheap. We want to see real action, not just passionate speeches. Harry has no idea what it's like to struggle to get the care and benefits you were promised after being wounded in combat."

The audience's roar of approval only grew louder, as it was evident many in attendance wholeheartedly agreed with Del Toro's scathing rebuke of the royal. The sergeant's voice grew more emotional as he continued, "I'll never forget the day I nearly died on that battlefield in Afghanistan—the pain, the fear, the uncertainty of whether I'd ever see my family again. That's the kind of trauma most people can't even begin to imagine. And we ask so little in return, just the promise of quality healthcare and support for us and our families. But too often, that promise is broken."

Del Toro paused momentarily, appearing to collect himself before speaking again. "When someone like Prince Harry, who's never had to bear that burden, starts lecturing us about veteran care, it's a slap in the face. He has no right to tell us how to fix these problems when he has never even begun to understand them." The crowd erupted into another thunderous standing ovation, many wiping tears from their eyes as they showed their unwavering support for Del Toro and the other brave men and women who have sacrificed so much for their country.

Once the applause died down, the sergeant concluded his remarks by issuing a direct challenge to the absent Prince Harry. "If you really want to help veterans, Harry, come spend some time with us. Come see the challenges we face, the battles we continue fighting long after we leave the battlefield. Then maybe you'll earn the right to speak on our behalf. Until then, keep your speculative comments to yourself."

Del Toro's fiery words encapsulated the feelings of many veterans and military families who have grown weary of uninformed outsiders trying to shape the narrative around veteran care and benefits. The sergeant's passionate defense of his brothers and sisters in arms struck a deep chord, resonating powerfully with the audience in the room and undoubtedly many more watching at home. As Del Toro left the stage, the crowd maintained their standing ovation, refusing to sit down until the sergeant had fully exited. It was a display of respect and solidarity that left little doubt about where the hearts and minds of those in attendance lay on this issue. For Sergeant Israel Del Toro, it was a moment to powerfully give voice to the frustrations of the veteran community, and the audience made it clear they were listening.

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