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Hollywood’s Queen Shames Meghan Markle, Meg Ryan's Cruel Words at Sarajevo Film Fest

Meg Ryan's speech became the unexpected focal point of an evening intended to celebrate cinematic achievements.

Hollywood’s Queen Shames Meghan Markle, Meg Ryan's Cruel Words at Sarajevo Film Fest

In a stunning and highly charged address, Ryan delivered a scathing critique against Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, igniting immediate controversy and division among the attendees. Known for her roles in romantic comedies, Ryan turned her attention to Markle with a level of intensity that left the audience visibly shaken. She accused Markle of becoming a laughingstock within Hollywood, asserting that the Duchess lacked true talent and relied heavily on her royal connections to maintain her presence in the industry. 

The venom in Ryan's words was unmistakable as she declared that Markle had come to symbolize everything wrong with Hollywood—a place where fame is often valued more than genuine ability. As Ryan's speech unfolded, it quickly expanded beyond a personal attack, evolving into a broader critique of what she perceived as Markle's misguided representation of feminism. Ryan argued that true feminism is rooted in hard work, talent, and integrity—qualities she implied were glaringly absent in Markle. 

This part of her speech was met with a mix of applause and stunned silence as Ryan passionately contended that Markle's rise to fame represented a superficial and undeserved success, built not on merit but on the privileges afforded by her royal marriage. The tension in the room escalated as the audience reacted to Ryan's incendiary remarks. While some attendees cheered in agreement, others were clearly uncomfortable with the harshness of her critique. Among those visibly upset was Prince Harry, who was present alongside Markle. The Duke of Sussex stood up in visible anger, and what followed only added to the drama of the evening. Security had to intervene to escort Markle from the auditorium as the situation threatened to spiral out of control.

Undeterred by the commotion, Ryan continued her tirade, referring to Markle as a "cancer" on the entertainment industry. She lambasted Hollywood as a whole, accusing the system of being complicit in valuing fame and superficiality over genuine talent and hard work. The intensity of Ryan's speech left little room for ambiguity—this was a direct and personal attack on Markle, wrapped in a broader indictment of an industry that, in Ryan's view, had lost its way.

The fallout from Ryan's speech was immediate. Social media erupted with reactions ranging from support for her boldness to condemnation of what many saw as an unnecessarily personal and vicious attack. Hollywood, known for its often polarized views on the Sussexes, was no exception, with various figures weighing in on both sides of the debate. Ryan's speech at the Soro Film Festival will undoubtedly be remembered as one of the most controversial moments in recent Hollywood history. It not only highlighted the deep divisions within the industry but also reignited the ongoing debate about the role of privilege, fame, and merit in a world often criticized for its obsession with celebrity culture. As for Markle and Prince Harry, the evening's events have likely added another layer of complexity to their already tumultuous relationship with the public and the media.

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