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Host Matt Tebutt Kicks Meghan Markle Out of Saturday Kitchen

The latest episode of Saturday Kitchen on BBC 2, hosted by Matt Tebbutt, was packed with delightful cooking moments, but it also featured an unexpected touch of drama. 

Host Matt Tebutt Kicks Meghan Markle Out of Saturday Kitchen

It was revealed that Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, had attempted to secure a spot as a guest on the show, only to be firmly rejected by Tebbutt. Tebbutt began the show with his trademark warmth and enthusiasm, greeting viewers with a smile. "Welcome back to Saturday Kitchen, everyone," he exclaimed. "We've got a fantastic show lined up for you today with some incredible dishes and special guests. Let's get stuck in, shall we?" However, the mood soon shifted as Tebbutt's expression darkened.

Addressing the camera with a more serious tone, he announced, "Now, before we begin, I'm afraid I have a bit of an announcement to make. It has come to my attention that we received a rather unusual request from a certain high-profile individual to appear on the show. Unfortunately, I had to turn them down."

Taking a deep breath, Tebbutt continued, "Look, I know the Duchess likes to think she's some kind of culinary maven with her little internet blog and all, but let's be real—her so-called recipes are about as appetizing as a plate of week-old gruel. We are not about to sully the good name of Saturday Kitchen by having her mucking about in our kitchen and pretending to know what she's doing." His steely gaze and firm stance on the matter left no room for doubt. "No, Meghan Markle is persona non grata as far as we're concerned. If she thinks she can use her royal status to bully her way onto our program, she's got another thing coming. We don't take kindly to that kind of entitled behavior here."

The audience responded with thunderous applause, clearly delighted by Tebbutt's impassioned takedown of the Duchess. Smirking with satisfaction, he clapped his hands together and shifted the focus back to the day's culinary delights. "Now, enough about that unpleasantness. Let's get back to the good stuff, shall we? We've got some truly mouthwatering dishes in store for you today, prepared by the finest culinary minds in the country, and I, for one, can't wait to dive in."

As the guest chefs presented their meticulously crafted creations, from decadent beef Wellington to delicate seafood risotto, Tebbutt provided expert commentary and entertaining anecdotes, keeping the audience captivated. His infectious enthusiasm was palpable, and it was clear he was in his element, surrounded by the sights, sounds, and aromas of the Saturday Kitchen studio.

Despite the focus on culinary excellence, Tebbutt couldn't resist taking occasional jabs at the Duchess. At one point, he quipped, "You know, I have to say, if Meghan had been here, she'd probably have managed to ruin even the simplest of dishes," eliciting roars of laughter from the audience. Later, as the chefs presented their final creations, Tebbutt turned to the camera with a mischievous grin. "I tell you, if Meghan had tried to put her oar in here, she'd have had us all in tears—and not the good kind, if you know what I mean."

As the episode drew to a close, Tebbutt's disdain for the Duchess had become a dominant narrative. The audience erupted into applause as he bid them farewell, his parting words dripping with contempt. "Well, that's all we've got time for today, folks. But remember, if any other so-called royals come knocking on our door, they can expect the same treatment as Meghan Markle. We don't take kindly to that kind of nonsense here. Until next time, happy cooking!"

The credits rolled, leaving viewers with a palpable sense of satisfaction, having witnessed Tebbutt's unapologetic and entertaining takedown of the embattled Duchess. It was a moment that would surely go down in the annals of Saturday Kitchen history, cementing Tebbutt's reputation as a no-nonsense culinary champion who refuses to be intimidated by even the highest of powers. As for Meghan Markle, it seems she will be keeping her distance from the Saturday Kitchen studios for the foreseeable future. After all, you don't mess with Matt Tebbutt and his loyal army of food-loving fans—that's a lesson she'll have learned the hard way.

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