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New York City Governor Ask Security to Drag Meghan Markle Off 25th Diana Awards

Meghan Markle's request for military bodyguards has triggered a strong response from the Governor of New York, who sharply criticized the Duchess for overstepping her bounds and disregarding the city's established security protocols. 

New York City Governor Ask Security to Drag Meghan Markle Off 25th Diana Awards

Meghan had insisted on having a team of highly trained military personnel to ensure her safety during the Diana Awards ceremony, despite the event already being scheduled to be heavily guarded by the New York Police Department (NYPD) and private security hired by the event's organizers. The governor, whose name has not been disclosed, expressed frustration with Meghan's demand, labeling it as "completely unacceptable" and a blatant misuse of the city's resources, potentially compromising the safety of its citizens. 

"We take the security of all our visitors, including members of the royal family, very seriously," the governor stated in an official release. "However, Meghan Markle's demand for military-grade bodyguards is simply outrageous and beyond what we can accommodate. Our law enforcement and security teams are more than capable of ensuring the safety of all attendees at the Diana Awards ceremony." The governor also criticized what he perceived as Meghan's sense of entitlement and her apparent belief that she is exempt from the city’s security protocols. "This is not a private event; it's a public celebration of Princess Diana's legacy, and our priority is to ensure that everyone in attendance, including the general public, remains safe," he added.

The backlash from the New York governor is not the only hurdle Meghan has encountered in the lead-up to the Diana Awards. Earlier in the week, reports emerged that the Duchess had also requested a private jet to transport her and her family to the event—an extravagant demand that was swiftly denied by the event organizers. "The Diana Awards is a charitable organization, and we simply do not have the resources to accommodate such lavish requests," a spokesperson for the organization explained. "Our focus is on honoring Princess Diana’s memory and celebrating the achievements of young people, not on catering to the extravagant whims of a member of the royal family."

The controversy surrounding Meghan's visit to New York City has reignited the ongoing debate about her perceived sense of entitlement and her willingness to leverage her royal status for special treatment. Many have criticized Meghan for what they see as a blatant disregard for the city’s security protocols and a belief that she is above the rules that apply to everyone else. "Meghan Markle needs to understand that she is not the Queen and does not have the right to demand military-grade security or private jets whenever she wishes," one commentator wrote on social media. "This is a public event, and she should be treated like any other attendee."

However, there are also those who have come to Meghan’s defense, arguing that as a member of the royal family, she is entitled to a certain level of security, especially during high-profile events. "Meghan Markle is a high-profile public figure, and it’s only natural that she would want to ensure her safety and the safety of her family during such an event," one supporter commented. "The New York Governor’s response seems more like a political stunt than a genuine concern for city security."

Regardless of the differing opinions, the controversy surrounding Meghan's visit to New York City has once again thrust the Duchess into the media spotlight, with many questioning her judgment and her apparent willingness to use her royal status to secure special treatment. As the 25th anniversary of the Diana Awards approaches, all eyes will be on Meghan to see how she navigates the ongoing controversy. Will she acquiesce to the security arrangements put in place by the event organizers, or will she continue to push for her demands? The answer may well shape public perception of her in the coming weeks.

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