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Palace Ready to REMOVE Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Title After Fake Royal Tour to Colombia

In a bold move that has garnered global attention, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are reportedly planning a tour of Colombia. 

Palace Ready to REMOVE Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Title After Fake Royal Tour to Colombia

Billed as a royal tour, this initiative has sparked a mix of reactions—from excitement in Colombia to skepticism in the UK, where many see it as another attempt by the Sussexes to capitalize on their former royal status. The upcoming trip to Colombia, described by their camp as a royal tour, has drawn criticism from royal enthusiasts and critics alike.

Set for November, the tour was organized at the invitation of Colombia's Vice President, Francia Márquez, who holds the title of Vice President of Colombian Minister for Equality and Equity. "I am pleased to announce that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, have kindly accepted my invitation to visit our beautiful country," Márquez announced. Despite the grand title, Harry and Meghan's insistence on calling the trip a royal tour has been met with derision. Observers point out that, having distanced themselves from royal duties, Harry and Meghan lack the official status to conduct such a tour. Critics argue that this is merely another publicity stunt designed to maintain their relevance.

Many have drawn parallels between Harry and his great-great-uncle, the Duke of Windsor, who abdicated the throne and spent his life in exile, often insisting on being addressed by his royal title. Similarly, Harry and Meghan's insistence on maintaining their titles while distancing themselves from royal responsibilities seems contradictory. Their attempt to conduct a royal tour without official backing only adds to the perception of them as being out of touch with reality.

The financial aspects of the tour have also come under scrutiny. The Sussexes are known for their expensive tastes, and this trip is expected to be no different, with first-class travel, luxurious accommodation, and elaborate outfits. This raises questions about who will foot the bill and what tangible benefits Colombia might gain from the visit. The primary goal appears to be boosting Colombia's tourism industry by leveraging the global attention that follows the couple.

Back in the UK, the reaction has been less than enthusiastic. Senior members of the British monarchy are reportedly displeased with the Sussexes' latest endeavor. The notion of a royal tour without the official sanction of the palace is seen as undermining the very essence of royal duties. Moreover, it highlights the ongoing tension between Harry and Meghan and the rest of the royal family.

This isn't the first time that Harry and Meghan have attempted a pseudo-royal tour. Earlier this year, their visit to Nigeria was choreographed to mimic the royal tours of their working royal days. While it may have been a PR success for the Sussexes, the reception in Nigeria was lukewarm, raising doubts about how effective the Colombia tour will be in achieving its stated goals.

Harry and Meghan's strategy of leveraging their former royal status for personal and philanthropic gains is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it keeps them in the public eye and supports their various initiatives, such as the Archewell Foundation. On the other hand, it opens them up to criticism and accusations of fakery. The foundation itself has faced issues, including delayed tax returns, which further tarnish their credibility.

As Harry and Meghan prepare for their Colombian adventure, the world watches with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. Their attempt to stage a royal tour without official backing from the British monarchy is seen by many as another example of their inability to let go of their royal past. Whether this trip will be a success or another misstep in their post-royal journey remains to be seen. One thing is certain: Harry and Meghan's actions continue to stir debate and controversy wherever they go.

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