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Prince Harry CALLS OUT Meghan Markle’s SPANISH SKILLS During Colombia Tour

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s highly publicized four-day tour of Colombia commenced with the expected fanfare and spectacle, though it didn't come without its share of drama. 

Prince Harry CALLS OUT Meghan Markle’s SPANISH SKILLS During Colombia Tour

Arriving in Bogotá on Thursday, the Sussexes were greeted by Colombia's Vice President Francia Márquez and immediately launched into their whirlwind itinerary. Their activities included a visit to a local school, attendance at a musical performance at an arts center, and participation in an Internet safety summit. 

Throughout their visit, the couple enjoyed tight security, ensuring that every movement was meticulously monitored. This tour, while bearing the hallmark of a royal DIY endeavor, was not without its controversies.

Amid the glamour, Meghan Markle’s reputed fluency in Spanish came under scrutiny, revealing itself to be far from the truth. Markle, who has previously boasted of her linguistic prowess, was seen wearing headphones to listen to a translator during various events. This was a surprising sight for anyone who had believed her claims of fluency in Spanish. The tale of Meghan's Spanish skills reportedly began with a 2002 internship at the U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires. During this time, she was supposedly double majoring in international relations and theater, which she claimed equipped her with enough Spanish to impress. 

Meghan had even bragged in a 2013 interview about her time in Argentina, hinting at aspirations for a political career. Furthermore, she claimed to have spent months in Madrid, studying Spanish and living with a host family. Therefore, it came as a shock when Meghan, who had publicly touted her Spanish fluency, was caught relying on a translation device while in Colombia. It was almost like watching a magician's trick unravel—one moment she was claiming fluency, and the next she was entirely dependent on a translator. Even Harry, for whom translation assistance would be more expected, seemed to get by without it. This raised questions about whether Meghan's Spanish skills were more of an accessory than a genuine asset.

The situation reached a peak when Meghan was seen gesturing toward the translation device, possibly asking if another one was available. This incident led to speculation that the device might have originally been intended for Harry, given the high expectations surrounding Meghan's language abilities. Her quick grab of the device only reinforced her growing reputation for deception. It wasn’t just the translation device that was under scrutiny; Meghan's entire narrative of multilingual competence began to unravel. Her claims of Spanish fluency, much like her previous assertions of proficiency in French, seemed to be nothing more than well-spun fabrications. The reality was stark: Meghan displayed no real command of Spanish, with her only fluent language appearing to be the art of self-deception.

Her response to questions—removing the earpiece the moment a query was completed—only confirmed what many had suspected: she could neither understand nor speak Spanish. It was a classic case of “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” where Meghan's supposed linguistic skills were revealed to be nothing but empty boasts. Had she genuinely invested the time to learn even basic Spanish, it would have been a demonstration of respect and effort. Instead, her lackluster attempts at feigning fluency, while simultaneously relying on translation devices, only highlighted her laziness and pretense. Her inability to master even basic Spanish phrases or show any real effort was glaringly evident.

As Meghan continues her tour, it becomes increasingly clear that her grand displays are more about self-promotion for an American audience than genuine engagement with the Colombian people. Each encounter seems to serve as little more than a backdrop for a PR stunt, with scant regard for authentic communication or cultural respect. In the grand theater of Meghan Markle's Spanish-speaking facade, the only real revelation is how effortlessly she perpetuates falsehoods on the global stage. The Colombian tour, rather than showcasing her supposed linguistic abilities, has instead highlighted the extent of her deceit. Keep revealing those lies, Meghan—after all, it seems to be the only thing you truly excel at.

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