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Prince Harry Shocked as Trevor Engelson Debunks Meghan Markle's Explosive Secret

Meghan Markle was previously married to American film producer Trevor Engelson for nearly two years before they divorced in 2013. 

Prince Harry Shocked as Trevor Engelson Debunks Meghan Markle's Explosive Secret

It appears that Trevor is still harboring unresolved feelings toward Meghan and has recently decided to share his thoughts with the world. In a surprising radio interview this week, Trevor called in and unleashed a barrage of accusations against his ex-wife. The radio hosts struggled to maintain control as Trevor ranted about Meghan for over an hour. He alleged that Meghan had not only deceived him for years but also misled the royal family and the public.

Trevor claimed that from the early days of their relationship, Meghan had set her sights much higher than a simple Hollywood producer, using him as a means to further her ambitions. According to Trevor, Meghan often spoke of her dreams of becoming a princess and living in a palace. He recounted how she would drag him to castings and networking events, leveraging his connections to advance her fledgling acting career. Trevor asserted that it became increasingly clear to him that Meghan was seeking to marry a wealthy and powerful man who could provide her with the life she desired. From his perspective, he was merely a stepping stone for Meghan on her path to bigger and better things.

In a series of shocking allegations, Trevor claimed that Meghan had long planned to seduce and marry into the royal family. He stated that just months before she met Prince Harry through mutual friends, Meghan had been extensively researching the British royal family online. She wanted to learn everything she could about the various members, their interests, and hobbies, so that she would be well-prepared if the opportunity to meet any of them ever arose. Trevor recalled how Meghan would daydream out loud about scenarios where she might end up as a princess, often fantasizing about being invited to the Queen's summer garden party and charming either Harry or William with her wit and good looks. According to Trevor, Meghan saw the royal family as the ultimate prize and the key to the luxurious lifestyle she craved. He believed that when Meghan met Harry, she seized her chance and did whatever it took to ensnare the unsuspecting prince.

Perhaps the most startling claim Trevor made was that Meghan had been secretly scheming with Harry to settle down in London long before the public even knew they were dating. He recounted that about six months into their relationship, Meghan excitedly confessed to him her and Harry's plan to relocate to London and set up a home base in Soho House. Trevor said that Meghan was already envisioning long weekends with media elites and influencers at the exclusive club, establishing herself as a London "it girl" and social climber. The radio hosts were taken aback by this revelation, as most people believed that Meghan and Harry's whirlwind romance had taken everyone by surprise. However, according to Trevor, Meghan had been strategically planning this from the very beginning, manipulating Harry into believing her intentions were pure when, in reality, she was using him to achieve her ultimate goal of an elevated social status and a luxurious life in London.

Trevor expressed his frustration at having tried to warn friends and family about Meghan's true motives, only to be dismissed. He felt even more exasperated that the entire world seemed to be captivated by Meghan's charming persona, while he was the only one who could see her for what he believed she truly was—an ambitious social climber. Trevor was adamant that Meghan never genuinely loved him or Harry and that her heart was always set on finding a man who could provide her with access to power, fame, and wealth. The radio hosts were left reeling from Trevor's shocking testimony.

While Trevor's claims certainly paint Meghan in a very unfavorable light, they have left listeners divided. Some are skeptical, questioning whether these sensational accusations can be taken seriously without concrete evidence. They wonder if Trevor, still nursing a grudge from his bitter divorce, might be exaggerating to smear his ex-wife. However, others believe that his perspective as Meghan's former husband of several years lends credibility to his version of events. Regardless of where one stands, Trevor has undeniably stirred up controversy with his dramatic tell-all. If even a fraction of what he alleges is true, it raises serious questions about Meghan's motives from the very beginning of her marriage and relationship with Prince Harry. It also suggests that she may have been deceiving the royal family all along, hiding her true ambitions behind a facade of wanting to marry for love.

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