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Tamron Hall Mocks Meghan Markle's Cooking Show Live On Air & Calls It 'The Worst Show Of Year'

Tamarind Hall couldn’t stop grinning as she humorously critiqued Meghan Markle's Netflix cooking show while introducing her new book, A Confident Cook, at the National Book Festival’s opening celebration at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. 

Tamron Hall Mocks Meghan Markle's Cooking Show Live On Air & Calls It 'The Worst Show Of Year'

The atmosphere was electric with anticipation as the festival kicked off at the historic Library of Congress. Among the literary stars in attendance was Tamarind Hall, the popular television host, there to promote her latest cookbook. However, it was Tamarind's unfiltered and entertaining roast of Meghan Markle's much-discussed Netflix cooking show that truly stole the spotlight, causing the crowd to erupt in laughter and applause.

As Tamarind took the stage, her radiant smile was impossible to miss. "Good evening, book lovers! I’m beyond thrilled to be here tonight to celebrate the magic of the written word and to share some of my culinary adventures with all of you," she began, her warm and engaging tone immediately putting the audience at ease. With a twinkle in her eye, she continued, "Now, I know a thing or two about cooking, and I have to say, I was quite entertained when a certain royal tried her hand at hosting a cooking show."

The crowd chuckled knowingly, sensing the witty remarks to come. "Meghan Markle’s The Royal Table on Netflix—let's just say I’m glad I wasn’t the one taste-testing those dishes," Tamarind quipped, prompting waves of laughter. "I mean, the woman can’t even boil water without turning it into a royal disaster. How she thought she could pull off an entire cooking show, I’ll never know."

Tamarind went on to recount some of the more awkward moments from Meghan’s foray into the culinary world. "There was that time she tried to make homemade pasta and ended up with sad, limp noodles that looked like they’d been through a war. And don’t even get me started on her attempt at a soufflé—it came out looking more like a deflated basketball. Honestly, I’m surprised she didn’t get sued by the NBA for copyright infringement!" The crowd was eating it up, their laughter and applause punctuating Tamarind’s every word.

"But you know, I’ve got to give Meghan credit—she sure had the nerve to try and position herself as some kind of culinary expert. I mean, this is the same woman who once tried to pass off a can of beans as a gourmet meal. A can of beans, people! And we’re supposed to trust her to teach us how to cook?" Tamarind shook her head in mock disbelief, her smile widening. "I tell you, if Meghan Markle ever tried to guest host MasterChef, the judges would take one look at her food and immediately call immigration to have her deported—that’s how bad it was." The audience erupted in thunderous applause, clearly delighted by Tamarind’s candid critique of the Duchess of Sussex.

But Tamarind was far from finished. "Now, I know what you’re all thinking: 'Tamron, how can you be so harsh on Meghan Markle? Isn’t she a fellow woman of color trying to make a name for herself in a cutthroat industry?'" Tamarind paused, her expression turning serious for a moment. "And to that, I say yes, we may share some similarities, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to give her a free pass. If anything, I hold her to a higher standard because when you’re a woman of color in the public eye, you’ve got to bring your A-game every single time. There’s no room for half-baked efforts or half-assed cooking skills."

Tamarind’s tone grew more passionate as she continued, "Meghan had the world stage, the opportunity to showcase her culinary talents and inspire people. Instead, she served up what can only be described as a culinary train wreck. And you know what they say: if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen—or in Meghan’s case, maybe just stick to the frozen food aisle." The audience responded with raucous applause, several people even rising to their feet in a standing ovation. Tamarind beamed, clearly reveling in the crowd’s enthusiastic response.

"Enough about Meghan’s questionable cooking skills," Tamarind said once the applause had subsided. "I’m here tonight to talk about my own culinary journey and share the lessons I’ve learned along the way. Because let me tell you, becoming a confident cook didn’t happen overnight. It took years of trial and error, of burnt casseroles and soggy salads before I finally found my groove in the kitchen."

Tamarind then entertained the audience with hilarious anecdotes from her early days as a novice cook, from accidentally using baking soda instead of sugar in her famous chocolate chip cookies to nearly setting her kitchen on fire while attempting a flambé. "But you know what they say: if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen—or in my case, just invest in a really good fire extinguisher," she joked, eliciting more laughter from the crowd. Tamarind’s infectious energy and self-deprecating humor captivated everyone in the room.

She went on to share the principles and techniques she has developed over the years, offering practical tips and encouragement for aspiring home cooks. "The key is not to be intimidated by cooking," Tamarind emphasized. "Sure, it can be a little daunting at first with all the chopping and measuring and timing involved, but once you get the hang of it, cooking can be an absolute joy. It’s a creative outlet, a way to nourish yourself and your loved ones, and best of all, it’s a skill you can keep honing and improving for the rest of your life."

As Tamarind concluded her remarks, the crowd once again erupted in thunderous applause, many attendees already lining up to get their copies of A Confident Cook signed. The television host beamed, her infectious smile and genuine enthusiasm resonating with everyone in the room. "I don’t know about you all, but I could certainly go for a home-cooked meal right about now," Tamarind said with a wink. "And I guarantee it’ll be a heck of a lot better than anything Meghan Markle has ever served up." The audience roared with laughter, some even chanting Tamarind’s name. It was a triumphant moment for the television personality, who had not only captivated the crowd with her culinary wisdom and wit but also delivered a delightful roasting of a certain royal chef-turned-Netflix star.

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