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Agent Keleigh Thomas Morgan Finally CONFIRMS Prince Harry & Meghan Markle STIFFED Sunshine Sachs

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle find themselves under the spotlight once again, this time facing intense criticism in an article that's rapidly becoming the talk of the town. 

Agent Keleigh Thomas Morgan Finally CONFIRMS Prince Harry & Meghan Markle STIFFED Sunshine Sachs

The piece reveals just how dramatically the Sussexes have fallen from grace, as if the universe has collectively decided to cast them in a less-than-favorable light. The article begins with a comical examination of the couple's public relations missteps, particularly highlighting their spectacular inability to maintain competent advisors. It details a series of high-profile departures from their team, each exit more dramatic than the last. The common thread among these departures is the realization that Harry and Meghan are, quite simply, a public relations nightmare.

Among the latest to leave the couple's employ is Josh Kettler, who resigned from his position as Chief of Staff after only three months. The article humorously questions the necessity of such a title in a context where the couple's role has devolved into a series of cringe-worthy media stunts. It ponders what exactly a Chief of Staff does when their employers seem to prefer navigating PR crises on their own.

Adding to the list of those who couldn't endure the Sussex circus is Tanya Global, their former press secretary. Global reportedly left due to the couple's stubborn refusal to heed professional advice, underscoring a recurring theme: Meghan's tendency to disregard those hired to manage her image. Instead of listening to experts, Meghan appears to make decisions that only further damage her already fraught public image.

Previously, Kelly Thomas Morgan, a partner at Sunshine Sachs, began representing Meghan Markle while she was still acting on "Suits." When Meghan and Harry became engaged, Morgan added him to her roster of clients and later helped them establish their internal communications operation upon their move to California. According to sources speaking to the reporter, Morgan stopped representing the couple around 2020 because the Sussexes allegedly ceased compensating Sunshine Sachs for its services.

The article also criticizes Meghan's over-the-top attempts at self-promotion. For instance, her recent bookstore appearance was described as a classic case of Meghan indulging in self-promotion and exaggerated fashion statements. It almost seems as though she is competing with herself to see how outlandish she can become before the public starts tuning out entirely.

One particularly amusing aspect of the expose is Meghan's supposed attitude of gratitude. According to the article, this newfound outlook is nothing more than a feeble attempt to mask her true nature. The piece mocks Meghan's yoga and wellness attitude, dismissing it as a superficial gimmick that fails to resonate with the public. The image of Meghan preaching gratitude while engaging in self-absorbed antics provides ample fodder for ridicule.

Furthermore, the article reveals the Sussexes' notorious habit of frequently changing their minds, a trait that reportedly causes constant frustration for their staff. From shifting PR strategies to flip-flopping on major decisions, it seems Harry and Meghan's inability to stick to a plan has become a running joke among those unfortunate enough to work with them.

Another highlight is the depiction of Meghan's alleged angry 5 a.m. emails, which paints a picture of someone as unpleasant in the early morning hours as she is during the rest of the day. The notion that Meghan would spend her mornings sending out irate missives rather than focusing on actual work is both amusing and revealing.

The article concludes with a critique of Harry's supposed charm, which is portrayed as a mere facade masking a lack of substance. The piece mockingly questions whether Harry's charm is merely a figment of public imagination, especially considering how often he is overshadowed by Meghan's more dramatic antics.

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