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Guests At Godmother's Bookstore Launch IGNORE Meghan Markle’s Speech as She Takes the Mic

The public enjoyed a brief reprieve from Meghan Markle's relentless pursuit of relevance, but she returned to the spotlight at none other than Oprah Winfrey’s exclusive book club event. 

Guests At Godmother's Bookstore Launch IGNORE Meghan Markle’s Speech as She Takes the Mic

Naturally, the event wasn't generating buzz for the books themselves—after all, who attends a book event to talk about books? No, the real focus was Meghan's attempt to remind the world that she’s still someone of note. Rumors had circulated that Oprah distanced herself from Meghan after their controversial 2021 interview that rattled the monarchy. Yet, here she was, making an appearance at Oprah’s brand-new bookstore in Summerland, California.

Critics were left puzzled, trying to understand why Oprah would invite Meghan, whose public speaking prowess often rivals the depth of a motivational poster. To add to the curiosity, prominently displayed in the bookstore was none other than Prince Harry’s memoir Spare—the same book that’s generated more drama than an entire season of The Real Housewives. Coincidence? Hardly. This appeared to be yet another carefully orchestrated PR stunt by the Sussex duo, using literature as another pawn in their game of public relations. Because nothing says highbrow literature like endless victim narratives, right?

But the event wasn’t just about Meghan’s less-than-stellar speech. Oh no, the true entertainment came when she engaged in a flirtatious game, sending sultry glances toward none other than Victoria Jackson’s husband. As if flirting with another woman’s spouse wasn’t enough, she donned one of her signature off-the-shoulder outfits. Who keeps telling her this is her best look? While she clearly believes it’s sexy, public opinion is still divided.

Returning to her speech—if it can even be called that—according to a poll conducted by The Daily Mail, 87% of respondents agreed that Meghan is not an effective speaker. But since when has public opinion stopped Markle from grabbing a microphone and delivering her usual vague platitudes? And considering Oprah continues to give her a platform, it’s clear that in Hollywood, success isn't about what you say but rather who you know. Meghan revealed that she is entering a "chapter of joy" in her life, a statement made on the eve of Queen Elizabeth’s death anniversary. A moment of dignified reflection? Not from Meghan. Instead, she chose this time to take the stage at a small event, likely plotting her next move to stay in the headlines as the world remembered someone infinitely more respected.

Is Meghan’s renewed closeness with Oprah simply another calculated PR strategy? Critics have long speculated that Meghan’s friendships with Hollywood power players are more transactional than genuine, and her presence at this event feels like another installment in her ongoing saga of, "Look at me, I’m still relevant." In a room filled with genuine spiritual leaders and astrology experts, Meghan somehow managed to make herself the focal point—not for her eloquence, of course, but for her uncanny ability to transform any public forum into The Meghan Show.

So, what’s the real takeaway? Meghan Markle’s grand return to Oprah’s sphere had little to do with books and everything to do with her never-ending pursuit of the spotlight. If this event demonstrated anything, it’s that no matter how often public opinion knocks her down, Meghan will always find a way to climb back up—bare shoulders, flirtations, and forgettable speeches in tow.

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