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Meghan Markle’s Cooking Show BANNED Netflix SNUBS It from Internal Releases for 5 Months

Meghan Markle's aspiration to become Hollywood's equivalent of Martha Stewart is unraveling faster than a cookie left out in the open. 

Meghan Markle’s Cooking Show BANNED Netflix SNUBS It from Internal Releases for 5 Months

Netflix, the streaming behemoth that once rolled out the red carpet for Meghan and Prince Harry, appears to be losing patience with the Sussexes' relentless efforts to remain in the spotlight. Rumor has it that Netflix is no longer interested in airing Meghan’s highly publicized cooking show, a project intended to portray her as the ultimate domestic diva. However, it’s hard to believe that viewers would be eager to watch Meghan, who has often critiqued traditional homemaker roles, feigning domesticity.

When Meghan and Harry signed their Netflix deal in 2020, it was celebrated as a perfect pairing. The couple, fresh from their royal exit, was poised to revolutionize Hollywood with a variety of content, including documentaries, children’s programming, and scripted series. Yet, as time has passed, Netflix seems to be reconsidering whether the Sussexes are the golden ticket they once believed.

Meghan's cooking show, in particular, appears to be the latest in a series of disappointments. Insiders reveal that the show didn’t even make it onto Netflix’s internal list of upcoming releases for the next five months. Given the circumstances, it’s understandable. Who would be interested in watching Meghan, who has previously criticized figures like Princess Catherine as a "Stepford Wife," now attempt to present herself as an everyday homemaker? The inconsistency is almost unbearable.

Despite the setbacks, Meghan remains determined. She is reportedly making a concerted effort to pitch the show to other networks, including Paramount, underscoring her desperation to see the project come to fruition. However, Hollywood's key players seem to be shutting her down. Sources suggest that Netflix CEO Ted Sarandos, who was initially enthusiastic about the Sussexes, is now avoiding Meghan’s attempts to reconnect. The industry buzz is that Sarandos has become a subject of ridicule for having considered Meghan’s cooking show in the first place.

Critics have begun labeling the Sussexes as opportunists, arguing that the content they have produced thus far fails to justify the substantial financial commitment they received. Their track record, including a few lackluster projects and an overhyped docu-series that gained traction largely due to royal gossip, does little to refute these claims.

So, what does the future hold for Meghan and Harry with Netflix? Insiders suggest that the streaming giant may opt to let the relationship quietly dissolve rather than risk the embarrassment of a public split. When the original contract expires, it is unlikely that Netflix will renew it under the same lavish terms. Instead, the Sussexes might be offered smaller, one-off deals based on their individual merits. This approach would allow both parties to save face: Netflix avoids acknowledging the deal as a significant misstep, while Meghan and Harry can continue pursuing their Hollywood dreams without the weight of a massive contract.

However, the days of the Sussexes securing mega-deals and high-stakes investments seem to be over. Perhaps Meghan should have stuck to grilling burgers—at least that doesn’t require a major streaming deal. As it stands, it looks like her cooking show dreams are destined to meet the same fate as her royal ambitions: going up in smoke.

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