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Charlize Theron reveals for the first time how complex it was to adopt her two children

Charlize Theron talks about motherhood

"I've never seen the difference between raising an adopted child and a biological one. I don't feel like I'm missing anything." Charlize Theron has it clear. For the actress, it does not make any difference to have biological or adoptive children.

Charlize Theron reveals for the first time how complex it was to adopt her two children

The interpreter has opened up for the first time about an issue as fundamental to her as motherhood and how complex the process of adopting her two children, Jackson (6) and August (2) was. "She was always my first choice, even when I was in a relationship," the South African told Elle magazine. However, even though being a mother was one of her great desires, it was not easy at all. "I suffered a lot mentally during the process," she said. One of the most complex procedures that the protagonist of Monster remembers is the bureaucratic question: "Among the hardest moments of my life was when I presented the adoption papers, it really destroyed me emotionally. There were so many situations that did not work out and one becomes attached and gets excited and then is devastated," he says.

Since she was little, Charlize thought about adopting because she was aware of the precarious situation in which many children lived. "I always knew that there are many children in the world who do not have families." Despite this, there was a time in her life when motherhood scared her. "The thought of having a child when I was still in my 20s was terrifying to me. I started to feel ready when I entered my 30s. But there are always moments when you say to yourself: 'My God, I hope that when I have children I still feel the same desire. of being a mother than now".

The Oscar winner for her role in Monster has been single since 2015, the year in which she separated from fellow actor Sean Penn. However, she has the support of her mother, Gerda, who helps her a lot in taking care of her children. "I am very lucky to have her, without her I would feel very alone in all this."

Although she is very happy in the role of mother to her, Theron has had to face criticism from her for her untraditional parenting methods. "There have been mothers who have dared come up to me and tell me that I was screwing everything up. Both of my children grew up on formula and I remember a mother once telling me that I should buy other women's breast milk. I couldn't believe it, It seems to me that this is a line that should not be crossed", recalled the interpreter, who has managed to overcome all obstacles.


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