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Infanta Cristina divorced at 58, Urdangarin in rebellion and increasingly alone at home

The Infanta Cristina has organized a trip with her children to celebrate her 58th birthday, a demonstration of convening power that sends a clear message to Inaki Urdangarin.

Infanta Cristina divorced at 58, Urdangarin in rebellion and increasingly alone at home

If an image is worth a thousand WhatsApp messages, the one orchestrated by Infanta Cristina to celebrate her 58th birthday is priceless. The youngest daughter of the kings Juan Carlos and Sofía has demonstrated her power to convene and has brought together a part of her progeny, two of her most elusive children, on a most special trip to Córdoba. Juan Valentín and Irene have accompanied his mother, while Miguel finishes his university course in the United Kingdom. The message to Iñaki Urdangarin is powerful: they are with me.

The family vacations that the Urdangarin Bourbons used to spend altogether on the beach are not so far away, a picture of conjugal happiness that we invariably saw every summer. After the appearance on the scene of Ainhoa Armentia, Iñaki's new partner, the situation turned upside down. We have not seen the four children of the former couple with their father again. Only Pablo frequents him in public.

The situation of Cristina de Borbón with Iñaki Urdangarin continues to be tense, something understandable given the difficult position in which her children find themselves. It seems that young people have no desire to meet Ainhoa's dementia or normalize the new sentimental life of her father. But, in addition, problems have leaked regarding the divorce agreement that should be signed in these weeks. The negotiations are slow, do not flow, or, directly, they got stuck.

Thus, with the former couple about to cast off their common history, Inaki and Cristina still have an appointment ahead that will bring together the entire Urdangarin family and, in addition, the emeritus Kings Juan Carlos and Sofía. This is Irene's graduation from the International School of Geneva (Ecolint) in Switzerland. The youngest has just come of age and is preparing to pursue university studies, predictably in Switzerland. It seems that she would be interested in training in the field of hotel management.

This meeting at the highest level in Switzerland may have another purpose, in addition to celebrating Irene's graduation. It seems feasible that Infanta Cristina and Inaki Urdangarin take advantage of the trip to sign the divorce before a Swiss notary. The presence of King Juan Carlos could indicate that the economic agreement reached to settle the relationship with the king's family would also be signed.

Infanta Cristina divorced at 58, Urdangarin in rebellion and increasingly alone at home

In recent weeks, information has leaked about new demands from Inaki Urdangarin in the face of the divorce, specifically an increase in the previously agreed amount of money. Some confidential bulletins (such as El Cierre Digital) even reported that the former Duke of Palma would receive 25,000 euros per month and two million euros in compensation and various properties.

The war between Cristina and Iñaki impacts their children

Undoubtedly, this tug of war between Infanta Cristina and Inaki Urdangarin hurts their children, who attend this settling of scores without being able to openly express their position. His movements, however, are quite expressive. If Pablo is usually seen with his father, with whom he shares a passion for handball, very rarely have we been able to see Miguel, Irene, or Juan in his company.

A new factor that is going to add to this complicated family situation, with so many economic derivatives, has to do with the sentimental life of Infanta Cristina. It seems that King Felipe VI's favorite sister is once again excited about a friend from Barcelona, someone she has known for years. This incipient relationship would explain her frequent trips to the Catalan capital, although it is unlikely that she will appear in public with a new partner until she signs her divorce.

The end of 2023 will not be easy for Infanta Cristina, at a perfectly fulfilled 58 years of age and a divorce that liquidates the love story of her life. The moorings of her old life are definitively loosened and a new stage begins, perhaps a little more solitary than she would like. Everything depends on the school destiny of Irene Urdangarin, who must decide if she stays in Switzerland or, like her brothers, she is emancipated from it.

Infanta Cristina may see herself totally alone at home for the first time in many years. In fact, even if Irene stays in Switzerland to study for her university degree, she will undoubtedly experience a greater degree of loneliness as her daughter becomes more and more independent. The situation is tough but very conducive to betting on that rumored new sentimental relationship. Everything indicates that we will see many more in Barcelona.


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