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Paul Bettany reveals the great WandaVision cameo that disappointed fans

Paul Bettany himself explained that his words gained a lot of momentum regarding the WandaVision series, from Disney Plus

Paul Bettany reveals the great WandaVision cameo that disappointed fans

The WandaVision series, from Disney Plus, has generated nothing but expectations after the immense theories of the fans, one of them about the great cameo o which the actor Paul Bettany had already anticipated in an interview.

However, to the disappointment of many fans, the actor who plays Vision in the series revealed that the expectation about this great cameo could collapse after the theories fabricated around various Marvel characters.

Previously, Bettany had already ruled out that the supposed cameo was about Doctor Strange. But that wasn't enough to stop fan speculation.

Unfortunately, it was this Thursday when Paul was interviewed on the Good Morning America program, where he confirmed that the cameo for the end of WandaVision is nothing more and nothing less than himself.

Although this answer caused a lot of confusion, the reality is that the actor himself explained that he is the same as the white Vision we met at the S.W.O.R.D camp, during the post-credits scene of the penultimate episode of the series.

In addition, this answer is disappointing since in a conversation with the Lights Camera Barstool podcast, the actor behind Vision assured that this cameo contemplated an actor with whom he always wanted to work.

“We have fireworks together, the scenes are great and I think people are going to be very excited. I always wanted to work with this guy and the scenes are pretty intense," Bettany said at the time.

Despite this, Paul Bettany himself explained that his words took a lot of momentum and finally the anticipated cameo would have nothing to do with the things that some fans are waiting for.

“You know when you think something is going to be funny and you say it and then you freak out? That's what I did," Bettany said. “The fans started to guess who it could be. They guessed people like Benedict Cumberbatch or Patrick Stewart. He was thinking, 'God, that's a good idea and they'll be so disappointed when they find out it's me.'”

Finally, his words were not enough for the fans, since one of the panelists maintains that the actor could be hiding information about another cameo.


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