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Elizabeth Olsen's fierce reaction when asked about her sisters

The cost of fame that Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen paid was very high. After the 1990s, they became celebrities, but neither they nor their relatives knew how to handle success and after many problems with addiction and anorexia, they completely distanced themselves from the cameras.

Elizabeth Olsen's fierce reaction when asked about her sisters

This was not the case for Elizabeth, the younger sister of the twins who also chose acting, and she not only stands up for herself well, but she also stands up for those who attack her family. She thus demonstrated it herself when she confronted a paparazzi a few years ago. The moment was recorded in a video that recently circulated again on social networks.

Elizabeth is currently experiencing her best professional moment. Unlike her sisters, who started acting at the age of nine months, the actress didn't land major roles until recently. Now, at 32 years old, she is part of the cast of some of the most-watched series and movies of the moment, among which her role as Scarlet Witch stands out. Such was her progress in her career that she, thanks to WandaVision, earned a Golden Globe nomination in the Best Performance category.

Due to the fame Elizabeth has achieved, she is constantly besieged by photographers and followers, and although she performs very well in front of the cameras and acts friendly, she knows first-hand the disadvantages of being a celebrity, having seen her passion for her sisters turn into bullying.

Recently, a 2012 video circulated again where a group of paparazzi approached the actress on the street and while she was signing autographs, a fan asked her a question where she compared her to Mary-Kate and Ashley and she didn't take long to "locate" the person with her answer. “How come you're so much kinder than your sisters?” The man said, surely not expecting Elizabeth to come to her family's defense.

With a sarcastic laugh and without looking directly into her eyes, she replied without hesitation: "Because you bothered them all their lives." Even though the filming only lasted six seconds, it was evident how Elizabeth not only relates to the press but also that she does allow anyone to make destructive criticisms of her sisters.

The video, which was posted on Twitter, has already had 11,000 retweets and more than 70,000 likes. There is no doubt that not only the interpreter of Wanda advocated for the Olsen twins, but it was revealed again that the girls remain within the group of celebrities that even though time passes, their fame remains intact.

Several years ago, Ashley and Mary-Kate, now 35, left their acting careers behind and with a lower profile entered the world of fashion and design. It didn't take long for them to forge careers as entrepreneurs within the business world.

There is no doubt that the little Olsen family always suffered closely from the experiences of her sisters and she never hid what she learned from them and her experiences.


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