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Producer Paula Wagner steps down from Tom Cruise at the helm of United Artists

One of the most successful companies in Hollywood ended amid the greatest mystery. The producer Paula Wagner announced her resignation from the position of executive and head of United Artists, the legendary film company that she acquired together with Tom Cruise and that both have tried to revive lately, but under the MGM affiliation.

Producer Paula Wagner steps down from Tom Cruise at the helm of United Artists

Although she will still retain interests in these companies, Wagner seems to have thrown in the towel at how slow and complicated it was getting to revive the company founded many decades ago by Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pickford, and D.W. Griffith.

So far, the only film that the duo released with this company was Lions for Lambs, which, as you know, was received very lukewarmly in every way.

Apparently, the producer had from the beginning many conflicts between their efforts discussed with Cruise and the policy of the MGM producers. Even the first response of the directors of this house was to say that "she should have done better." Now they also insist that Cruise will be the one who takes control day by day without problems, which would conflict with the actor's attempts to revive his career that in recent months has been overshadowed by his little more than "peculiar" family life. made talk of the most sensationalist tabloids.

Despite everything, Wagner has indicated that her long friendship and business relationship with the star (dating back to 1993) remains the same, despite the disappointment that United Artists clearly seems to have been for her. As he carefully states:

I've really enjoyed working with my long-time partner Tom Cruise to revitalize United Artists, and I'm proud of all we've accomplished in the last two years, reinvigorating the brand and developing a fine lineup of films. "But I always tell my kids 'follow your passion,' and I have to follow that advice myself. As much as I've enjoyed my time as an executive, I have to get back to my true love, which is making movies, that's what I've decided to do. I continue to believe in our vision for United Artists, and I am confident that our colleagues at MGM will see that vision through to reality.

For now, Wagner is wasting no time and continues to work with her partner on various projects that were previously in full swing. One of them includes the film version of the English television series Champions, which was originally developed by director Guillermo Del Toro. Another is the complicated Valkyrie, whose premiere could be brought forward to sneak onto the Oscar springboard.


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