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Priyanka Chopra responds to criticism and reveals why she opted for surrogacy

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas received a lot of criticism for their decision to have their first child through surrogacy. 

Priyanka Chopra responds to criticism and reveals why she opted for surrogacy

The negative comments came shortly after the announcement of the birth of her daughter, Malti Marie, in 2022. However, Priyanka revealed that the choice was a doctor's recommendation, so she decided to respond to everyone who felt entitled to criticize her without knowing exactly what I was going through.

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas' relationship is one of the most beautiful love stories today. Nick dared to send a message to her model in 2016: “Several friends have told me that we should meet. How about?". And it worked because they both decided to meet and exchanged some messages for about six months after the singer took the initiative.

But many barriers could have put an end to their relationship, including their age difference (Priyanka is 40 and Nick is 30), distance, their respective jobs, and various cultural differences. Still, there was nothing that could separate them.

In 2018, Priyanka and Nick got married and, in January 2022, they became parents to little Malti. Unfortunately, little Ella had to spend the first hundred days of her life in the neonatal intensive care unit and it was not until May that she was able to return home, where she was welcomed by her devoted and proud parents.

Priyanka began receiving negative comments about the idea of conceiving through a surrogate, but she said that she had made the decision on her own on medical advice. In an interview, she openly shared that she had some health problems and that she was “very grateful to be able to do things this way.” "Our surrogate mother was so generous, kind, loving, and fun, and she cared for this precious gift for us for six months."

Priyanka decided to speak out about the negative comments she received about her choice of surrogacy: “They don't know me. They don't know what I've been through. And the fact that I do not want to make public my medical history or that of my daughter does not give them the right to define what my reasons were.” She was undoubtedly right.

Malti was born prematurely (a trimester early) and was “smaller than my hand,” said Pryanka, who was with her in the operating room. Her little girl Malti was so fragile that she had to be transferred to California's neonatal intensive care unit, where she stayed for about three months. On that day, Priyanka made the following comment: “I didn't know if she would survive or not.”

Priyanka added that she had developed a shell of steel when people talked about her. “But it's so painful when they talk about my daughter. I think: 'Don't bring her into this.' Only I know what it felt like to hold her little hands when they were trying to find her veins. So no, she is not going to be the subject of gossip.” Later, the actress explained that she had become a “very protective” mother because it was not just about her life, but also that of her daughter.


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