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Angelina Jolie Marks a Decade Since a Pivotal Health Battle and an Ongoing Personal Struggle

In 2013, Angelina Jolie faced a life-altering decision and shared it with the world — she underwent a preventive double mastectomy due to an 87% risk of br--st cancer and a 50% risk of ovarian cancer.

Angelina Jolie Marks a Decade Since a Pivotal Health Battle and an Ongoing Personal Struggle

The actress made this courageous choice to safeguard her health and to be there for her children, emphasizing the legacy of her mother's own battle with cancer. Jolie disclosed this transformative journey in an article titled "My Medical Choice," published in the New York Times in 2013.

She spoke openly about the faulty gene BRCA1 and the drastic increase in her cancer risks, leading her to the decision of a double mastectomy. Jolie aimed not only to prioritize her well-being but also to set an example for women facing similar challenges. As she reflected in her article, "My chances of developing cancer have been reduced from 87% to less than 5%, and now I can tell my children that they don't have to fear losing me to cancer."

This year marks a decade since that pivotal surgery, but alongside her health journey, Angelina Jolie has been entangled in another prolonged battle — a tumultuous relationship with ex-husband Brad Pitt. The much-publicized breakup in 2016 led to a bitter custody dispute and asset management conflicts. Despite attempts to present a united front for their children, the situation escalated, with allegations of violent behavior by Pitt becoming a focal point in their divorce.

Years of legal skirmishes ensued, with Angelina accusing Brad of failing to meet child support obligations. In 2020, tensions escalated further when Jolie sought the removal of the divorce judge due to an alleged connection with Pitt. The situation reached its peak in 2021 when Jolie accused Pitt of gender violence and child abuse, intensifying their legal warfare.

The battle eventually took a toll, leading to a court ruling in May 2021 that favored Brad Pitt, indicating equal custody. However, the saga continued as Jolie later disclosed being a victim of abuse by her ex-partner, detailing a distressing incident in the bathroom where she was violently shaken and verbally abused.

As Angelina Jolie commemorates the ten-year mark since her impactful mastectomy, she finds herself in a complex and ongoing personal struggle, highlighting the challenges not only of health battles but also the complexities of navigating publicized personal disputes.


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