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Liv Tyler, who refused to be a 'second-class citizen' in Hollywood disappeared

Liv Tyler, celebrated for her roles in films such as "Armageddon" and "The Lord of the Rings," and recognized as a style icon of the nineties, has chosen a semi-retired path from the heart of the cinematic world.

Liv Tyler, who refused to be a 'second-class citizen' in Hollywood disappeared

Despite possessing all the elements to become a Hollywood sensation for this century, Tyler consciously stepped back from the spotlight, refusing to conform to the industry's discriminatory standards towards women. Throughout her career, she gained a reputation as a 'difficult' performer, not afraid to challenge the prevailing norms.

Liv Tyler's journey, daughter of Aerosmith leader Steven Tyler, encompasses a life intertwined with rock royalty, cinematic stardom, and iconic beauty. Yet, at the age of 45, she has voluntarily distanced herself from acting for over two years. This deliberate hiatus follows her vocal opposition to the s---sm and ageism prevalent in Hollywood, particularly affecting women as they navigate their thirties. While her contemporaries in "The Rings of Power" series break free from the stereotypical damsel roles, Tyler, who portrayed Arwen in "The Lord of the Rings," awaits industry recognition from her London home.

Notably, two years before the watershed moment of the Weinstein case and the subsequent movements of Me Too and Time's Up, Liv Tyler boldly confronted a pervasive issue in the film industry – ageism. In an interview, she stated, “At my age, you are like a second-class citizen in Hollywood,” shedding light on the industry's tendency to sideline actresses as they age, even at the relatively young age of 38. Her candid remarks reverberated through her filmography, leading to a noticeable shift and the unfortunate labeling of her as a 'difficult' actress.

In an interview with Porter magazine, Tyler addressed the rumors surrounding her alleged difficulty, proudly proclaiming her feminist stance. She reflected on being called controlling, unconscious, and crazy for expressing her opinions and standing up for herself and other women. Despite the industry's attempts to tarnish her reputation, Tyler remains resilient, motivated to advocate for what she believes in.

However, Liv Tyler's protests against industry misogyny extend beyond recent years. Even at the pinnacle of her career, during the acclaim of "The Return of the King," Tyler faced intense scrutiny about her physique. In 2003, she revealed that she had been advised to lose weight to secure more roles, a directive she defiantly rejected, stating, "I refuse to follow Hollywood standards. To the rest of the world, I am thin, and I like who I am."

Tyler's foresight and weariness toward the misogynistic mechanisms shaping actresses' careers stem from her early and intense experiences as a public figure in Hollywood, making her a compelling voice against the industry's discriminatory practices.


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