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Will Ferrell Turns Meghan Markle into a Laughing Stock at Despicable Me 4 Premiere

The premiere of "Despicable Me 4" at Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York City was certainly an event to remember.

Will Ferrell Turns Meghan Markle into a Laughing Stock at Despicable Me 4 Premiere

The drama began when Meghan Markle, seemingly without an invitation, made her way down the red carpet, trying to insert herself into the event. Witnesses reported that the Duchess of Sussex looked visibly uncomfortable as she awkwardly posed for photos, clearly out of place among the film stars and producers.

The real scene-stealer was beloved comedian Will Ferrell, who swooped in and humorously eviscerated Meghan in front of the entire crowd. Channeling his famous Ron Burgundy character from "Anchorman," Ferrell marched up to Markle with a mischievous grin and asked point-blank, "Excuse me, ma'am, but who invited you here? Last time I checked, this was the 'Despicable Me 4' premiere, not the Duchess of Sussex's personal coronation."

The audience erupted into laughter as Meghan's face turned beet red with embarrassment. She tried to stammer out a response, but Ferrell continued his merciless takedown. "I mean, seriously, do you think just because you married into royalty you can crash any event you want? Last time I checked, you're no longer a working royal. This is our night to shine, not yours."

Markle attempted to brush off the jabs, weakly claiming that she was there to support the film's young star, her friend's daughter. However, Ferrell was having none of it. "Oh, please," he scoffed. "We all know you're just here for the attention. Sorry to break it to you, but no one cares about your royal drama anymore. This is about the Minions, not Markle."

The audience roared with approval as Ferrell continued to put Meghan in her place. "You know, it's actually kind of pathetic how desperately you're clinging to your 15 minutes of fame. Maybe it's time to hang up the tiara and let the real stars have their moment."

By this point, Meghan looked utterly mortified, shrinking into herself as Ferrell's merciless takedown continued. The once confident Duchess seemed to shrink smaller and smaller, wishing she could disappear into the ground. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of public humiliation, Ferrell concluded his epic trolling with one final zinger. "Anyway, I think it's time for you to go. I heard they’re serving tea and crumpets in the lobby. Why don't you go enjoy that instead of trying to steal the spotlight here?"

The crowd erupted into thunderous applause as Meghan Markle, her pride thoroughly decimated, scurried off the red carpet in defeat. Will Ferrell basked in the adulation, soaking up the cheers and laughter from the delighted onlookers. "Come on, did you really think you could just crash our party and we weren't going to call you out on it?" Ferrell said with a chuckle. "This is Hollywood, baby. We don't take kindly to party crashers, especially not wannabe royals."

As the "Despicable Me 4" premiere continued on without the disgraced Duchess, the internet was ablaze with reactions to Ferrell's epic takedown. Fans praised the comedian for putting Meghan in her place and not letting her get away with her desperate attempt for attention. "Ferrell is a national treasure," one Twitter user wrote. "That was the most savage yet hilarious thing I've seen all year. Meghan Markle is never going to recover from that level of humiliation," another commented.

"Megan thought she could just waltz in there and steal the spotlight, but she forgot who she was dealing with. Will Ferrell is the king of comedy, and he just reminded her who's boss." Indeed, it seems Meghan Markle learned a hard lesson that night: you don't mess with the comedic genius of Ferrell. That's a mistake she's unlikely to make again anytime soon.

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