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Leaked Clip of James Rodriguez Alleges Meghan Markle Yelled at Kids to Bully Her at Colegio La Giralda

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's South American tour commenced with all the grandeur and formality you'd anticipate from a couple often viewed as the world's most self-important. 

Leaked Clip of James Rodriguez Alleges Meghan Markle Yelled at Kids to Bully Her at Colegio La Giralda

This tour, a whirlwind prelude to next year's Invictus Games, saw them make a high-profile stop in Colombia. However, this visit felt less like a genuine diplomatic gesture and more like an exhibition in performative philanthropy. The royal duo was warmly greeted by Colombia's Vice President, Francia Márquez, who, like many others, seemed eager to bask in their presence.

Meghan, ever keen to highlight her fashion choices, donned a pair of Princess Diana's iconic earrings on the second day of their visit. This subtle nod appeared to underscore her self-ascribed royal status. As expected, the visit quickly centered around Meghan, particularly during her stop at the Kle Geralda School in Santa Fe, where she was undeniably the center of attention. In a scene reminiscent of a staged charity event, Meghan and Harry posed for photos while planting trees and engaging with local children.

During the visit, Meghan assisted a five-year-old girl named Manuela in planting a walnut tree, while Harry enthusiastically planted a guava tree, a native species. Yet, the act of getting their hands dirty seemed more symbolic than sincere, serving as a brief, heart-tugging moment for royal watchers rather than a genuine act of care. Meghan’s interaction with Manuela, a girl the same age as her son Archie, was portrayed as an attempt to bridge their worlds, though the vast difference between their privileged lives and the realities of these children was glaring.

Meanwhile, Harry stumbled through basic Spanish, attempting to ask the students their names and ages, clearly struggling with the language barrier. The situation took an ironic turn when it was revealed that these children, who had likely prepared artwork and handwritten letters for their royal guests, had been led to believe they would meet famed football star James Rodríguez. Instead, they found themselves face-to-face with two unfamiliar figures who didn’t speak their language—a bait-and-switch so obvious that even the children couldn't mask their disinterest.

The royal pair's attempt to present themselves as benevolent figures fell flat when it became evident that they were more focused on controlling their narrative than engaging meaningfully. They limited access to outside media and curated a flawless Instagram-worthy aesthetic, making their visit appear more about image projection than genuine philanthropy. As usual, their actions spoke louder than their words, revealing their true intent: to maintain the façade of altruism while avoiding any real scrutiny.

The Vice President's involvement in this charade only exacerbated the situation. By playing along with Harry and Meghan's scripted visit, she inadvertently lent credibility to their transparent attempt to transform a serious occasion into a royal publicity stunt. This association may have even compromised her own credibility, as she appeared complicit in the web of deception spun by the royal couple.

Critics, including anti-monarchists and Meghan’s detractors, were quick to note the palpable disappointment among the children. These young ones, who had been promised an encounter with a beloved celebrity, were left underwhelmed by the royal duo. It’s no wonder the children appeared bored—who wouldn’t be, after expecting to meet a football star and instead being greeted by a pair of self-important royals?

Harry and Meghan’s Colombian escapade was ultimately seen as a missed opportunity, transforming what could have been a meaningful engagement into another exercise in self-promotion. The result was a room full of disenchanted children, a controlled media narrative, and a growing sense of disillusionment with the couple’s so-called charitable efforts.

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